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Pełnomocnictwo szczególne jest to pełnomocnictwo zawierane do załatwienia konkretnej czynności prawnej np. odbioru zaproszenia. Powinno ono bardzo wyraźnie i jednoznacznie wskazywać czynność, do której wykonania powołano pełnomocnika. Pełnomocnictwo szczególne powinno zawierać następujące elementy:

  • oznaczanie miejsca i datę jego wystawienia;
  • nazwę pisma, np. "pełnomocnictwo szczególne";
  • dokładnie określonego mocodawcę i pełnomocnika – należy wskazać imiona, nazwiska, adresy zamieszkania, a także dane z dowodu osobistego albo numer PESEL. Jeśli mocodawcą jest przedsiębiorca, należy wskazać pełne dane firmy.
  • jeśli pełnomocnikiem będzie adwokat lub radca prawny, należy dodać numeru wpisu na listę adwokatów bądź radców prawnych;
  • dokładne określenie sprawy, jaką pełnomocnictwo obejmuje;
  • podpisy mocodawcy;

A permanent residence permit is a permission to remain in Poland, which is granted for an indefinite time. This authorization is given in specific cases. Learn more about the procedure.

It is a positive decision that brings the examination of your application for the legalization of stay/work permit issued in the form of a decision to an end.

This document is allowing a non-EU citizen to be employed in an industry dependent on the rhythm of the seasons based on a contract for a specified period and for specific employment. The list of activities considered as seasonal work is specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy on subclasses of activity according to the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD). You can find this list on the website.

This permit is issued by the head of the local self-government (Starosta) for a period up to 9 months in a given calendar year.

Your visit to the office is required when applying for a temporary residence permit/permanent residence/residence permit for a long-term resident of the EU/replacement of residence card. Remember to bring your valid passport to verify your identity. Your fingerprints will be recorded during the visit. The procedure cannot be initiated without your appearance.

It is an undamaged photo, coloured, with a good focus; with dimensions 35 mm x 45 mm; taken not earlier than within 6 months before the date of submitting your application; showing your face image from the top of head to upper part of your shoulders, in a way of 70-80 % your face is on the photo, on a bright uniform background, showing you looking straight with opened eyes, uncovered hair, with a natural face expression and closed mouth, and also imaging a natural skin colour; showing clearly your eyes, especially the pupils, your eye line is parallel to an upper edge of photo.

It is an undamaged photo, coloured, with a good focus; with dimensions 35 mm x 45 mm; taken not earlier than within 6 months before the date of submitting your application; showing your face image from the top of head to upper part of your shoulders, in a way that  your faces covers 70-80 % of the photo, clearly showing the eyes, especially the pupils, the eye line should be parallel to the top of the photo; on a bright uniform background, showing you looking straight with opened eyes, uncovered hair, with a natural face expression and closed mouth, and also imaging a natural skin colour;

If you have congenital or acquired eye defects, the photo may be showing you wearing glasses with dark lenses. If you cover your head because of religion reasons, the photo may show you with the head covering though it must not cover or distort the oval of the face.


A place of residence is the usual place of your stay in Poland. Remember that the Governor’s jurisdiction depends on your current place of residence. Remember to apply to the office that has jurisdiction for the place of your current stay.

It is a document confirming belonging to the Polish nation, issued by Polish consulates in the territory of post-soviet countries. Citizens of Belarus can receive the Polish Card also from the Governor of Podlasie Province.

A document issued to a foreigner who holds no citizenship and who stays in Poland without a passport. This document is valid for 1 year and confirms the identity of the holder. A Polish foreigner’s identity card does not confirm citizenship and does not entitle to cross borders.

A person is considered to be of Polish origins if s/he declares to have Polish nationality and who’s at least one parent or one grandparent or two great-grandparents have Polish nationality and proves her/his affiliation to Poland.

A document issued to a foreigner who does not have any valid passport (your passport is lost, expired and cannot be reasonably obtained from the authorities of the country of your origin). You are entitled to obtain Polish travel document if you’ve been granted permanent residence permit, long-term resident's EU residence permit, subsidiary protection or residence permit for humanitarian reasons. The Polish travel document for a foreigner entitles to multiple border crossings and is valid for 1 year.

Osoba prawna lub jednostka organizacyjna niebędącą osobą prawną, której ustawa przyznaje zdolność prawną, posiadającą siedzibę poza terytorium państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej, państw członkowskich Europejskiego Porozumienia Wolnego Handlu (EFTA) - stron umowy o Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym lub Konfederacji Szwajcarskiej, która zatrudnia pracownika przenoszonego do jednostki przyjmującej przed jego przeniesieniem wewnątrz przedsiębiorstwa i w czasie tego przeniesienia.

It is a document which confirms that you are insured in a private company.

A document issued during the proceedings. It refers to a certain part of the proceedings, e.g. to the putting your proceedings on hold. The provision does not terminate the proceedings. The document will be sent to the address indicated in your application or to your attorney-in-fact. If you disagree with the provision, you are entitled to submit a complaint against the provision.

It is a company’s manager - President or a Member of Management Board, appointed by the shareholders' resolution of the limited liability company. A proxy has the authority given by shareholders of the limited liability company, to act on behalf of the Company’s Management Board. You can find information about proxies and persons authorized to represent the company on the National Court Register.

A notary public is a lawyer appointed by the Minister of Justice, authorized to draw up notarial deeds and other notarial papers, such as, i.e. notarially authenticated copy/certified copy, notarial power of attorney, notarial certificate. Documents prepared before a notary following the law are public domain documents. Find a notary public.

It is the main reason for your arrival and your stay in Poland.